Green Signal for Legal Online Gambling in Spain

Online gambling is already popular in most part of the worlds and now Spain isn't exception for it. On 5th june, 2012, first time in history, few licensed online gambling sites were launched in the country as per the new regulatory mechanism. The leading gaming operators like PokerStar, 888,, Ongame, Poker770 and Bet365 were among the list that launched their new gambling sites. Now the Spanish players can enjoy safe and fast gaming experience by just joining the new .es domain instead of going to .com domain.

The operators also issued the press releases confirming about their license for online gambling sites in spain. PokerStars, who is the biggest operator of the gambling websites claimed to provide best services and security to their players in the changed scenario. Just like PokerStars, 888 had also confirmed the receipt of online gambling license and promised to provide better, safer and secure online gaming environment for its spanish casino players.

Prima Networks Spain already tied up with Microgaming to provide leading casino software to some of the top gambling operators in the country. First day of legal online gambling in Spain was a great success. The operators also have to follow the new "transitioning rule" which will come into effect from the 15 June.